Scientific Name: Anemone piperi
Family Name: Ranunculaceae
Bloom Period: Spring to Summer
Life Span: Perennial
Height: <10 dm.
Habitat: Grows in moist, open woods, low to mid-elevations in the mountains, also in marshes and bogs along the coast.
Leaf Description: Basal single, trifoliate, the leaflets once or twice shallowly lobed and remotely serrated. The flowering stem is naked except for a whorl of 3 leaves near the top, these trifoliate, and petiolate, the leaflets up to 8 cm. long, the lateral pair deeply lobed, all remotely toothed.
Flower and Petal Description: Single flowers; sepals usually 5, ovate-oblong, 12-20 mm. long, usually white, or pinkish; stamens 35-55; pistils numerous.
Fruit Description: Achenes narrowly oblong, 4 mm. long, finely pubescent; style 0.5 mm. long, glabrous.
Medicinal Uses: Anti-cancer activities- Triterpenoid saponins have been detected but have not been tested enough. Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant.
This flower is non-native to the area.