Scientific Name: Smilacina stellata
Family Name: Liliaceae
Bloom Period: Late sping
Life Span: Perennial
Height: Up to 20-60 cm tall.
Habitat: Widespread and common at low to mid and occasionally subalpine elevations in moist forests, clearings and moist openings.
Leaf Description: Arranged in 2 rows allow stem, narrowly lance-shaped with prominent veins and somewhat clasping bases. Leaf edges are hairless, but the underside has fine hairs.
Flower and Petal Description: Small, creamy white, star-like in short unbranched cluster at end of stem.
Stem Description: Unbranched stem.
Fruit Description: Round berries, greenish yellow with 6 blue-purple stripes, becoming dark blue or reddish black at maturity.
This flower is native to the area.