Scientific Name: Pterospora andromedea
Family Name: Ericaceae
Bloom Period: Summer
Life Span: Saprophytic perennial
Height: 30-100 cm tall
Habitat: Found in low to mid elevations in shaded humus under conifers.
Leaf Description: Leaves are scale-like bracts, narrow, lance-shaped, crowded near base of stem.
Flower and Petal Description: Reddish brown, unbranched flowering stems, sticky-hairy all over, fleshy at flowering, then turning fibrous and persisting as dried steams for over a year. Flowers are pale yellow, with 5 petals fused into an urn-shaped corolla, nodding in a long, upright, spike like inflorescence.
Stem Description: Red stalk
Fruit Description: Fruits are rounded capsules
This flower is native to the area.