Scientific Name: Leucanthemum vulgare
Family Name: Asteraceae
Bloom Period: Mid-spring to Summer
Life Span: Perennial
Height: Up 20-80 cm tall
Habitat: Common at low to mid elevations on moist to moderately dry sites, roadsides, pastures, and disturbed areas.
Leaf Description: Basal leaves are broadly lance-shaped or narrowly spoon-shaped with coarse rounded teeth on their edges.
Flower and Petal Description: Solitary composite heads at ends of branches with white ray flowers and yellow dish flowers.
Stem Description: Stem leaves are oblong, small, and stalkless upwards.
Fruit Description: Round, black achenes with about 10 white ribs and no pappus.
Medicinal Uses: **Invasive weed. Young leaf and flower heads are used for teas and wines.
This flower is non-native to the area.