Scientific Name: Cypripedium montanum
Family Name: Orchidaceae
Bloom Period: Spring
Life Span: Perennial
Height: up to 15-60 cm tall
Habitat: Widely scattered and infrequent at low to subalpine elevations in dry to moist, open areas and open woods on rich humus.
Leaf Description: Leafy stems with broadly lance-shaped to egg-shaped leaves that wrap around the stem.
Flower and Petal Description: Irregular, lowest petal forms a prominent, pouch-shaped lower lip, white with purple veins, upper petals and sepals are copper-colored, long and twisted. 1-3 fragrant flowers per stem. - Takes 13-16 years to flower.
Stem Description: Cord-like
Fruit Description: Erect to ascending oblong capsules, 2-3 cm long.
Medicinal Uses: Native Americans have seeped the stalks and leaves for medicine especially woman to ensure pregnancy.
This flower is native to the area.