Scientific Name: Arnica cordifolia
Family Name: Asteraceae
Bloom Period: All summer
Life Span: Perennial
Height: 10-60 cm tall
Leaf Description: Long-petiolate, cordate basal leaves commonly on separate short shoots; cauline leaves 2-4 pairs, petiolate, reduced upward, the more or less cordate blade 4-12 cm. long and 3-9 cm. wide, usually toothed.
Flower and Petal Description: Grows from long rhizomes. Heads 1-3, rarely more, often single; involucre 13-20 mm. high, covered with long, spreading, white hairs, and usually glandular as well; rays 10-15, 1.5-3 cm. long, yellow; pappus white, barbellate. Achenes uniformly short-hairy or glandular or both.
Stem Description: Stems are solitary or a few clustered together.
Medicinal Uses: Native Americans used the root of Heartleaf and other arnica species to treat sort throats, aching teeth, cuts, and bruises.
This flower is native to the area.