Scientific Name: Viola adunca
Family Name: Violaceae
Bloom Period: Spring to occasionally to mid-summer.
Life Span: Short perennial.
Height: Up to 10 cm tall.
Habitat: Widespread at low elevations to near timberline but most frequent on dry plateaus. Very common in various habitats; grasslands, open disturbed grounds, open woods, moist meadows.
Leaf Description: Generally oval with heart-shaped bases and finely round-toothed edges.
Flower and Petal Description: Blue to deep violet, 0.5-1.5 cm long. The lower 3 petals are often white at base, and irregular, and the lowest petal has a prominent slender spur half its length. Style head bearded, flowered borne on leave aerial stems.
Stem Description: Slender stems
Fruit Description: Small, 3-valved capsules.
This flower is native to the area.