Scientific Name: Clematis occidentalis
Family Name: Ranunculaceae
Bloom Period: Spring-Summer
Life Span: Perennial
Height: Grows 0.5 to 5 m long
Habitat: Scattered and fairly common at low to mid elevations on our plateaus, arid basins and East Kootenays, in moist to dry sites in open woods or rocky open areas, frequently in mixes deciduous and coniferous forests.
Leaf Description: Opposite, divided into 3 oval to lance-shaped, toothed leaflets, thinly hairy.
Flower and Petal Description: Single flower with blue- purple 4 sepals around a cluster of yellow stamens and styles. No petals. On a long, leafless stalk arising from leaf axils.
Stem Description: Climbing or trailing vine of variable lengths
Fruit Description: Mop-shaped clusters of seeds, each with a long feathery tail (style).
Medicinal Uses: Made for scabs and skin sores but considered less effective than white clematis. Used for garden ornamental flowers for ledges.
This flower is native to the area.