Scientific Name: Piperia unalascensis
Family Name: Orchidaceae
Bloom Period: Summer
Life Span: Perennial
Height: Up to 60 cm tall.
Habitat: Widespread and common at low to mid elevations south of Williams Lake in dry to moist forests and in open, often rocky slopes that are often dry by midsummer.
Leaf Description: 2-4 at the base of a flowering stalk and sheathing it. Lance-shaped, withering at the time of flowering.
Flower and Petal Description: Irregular, greenish-white to white, small, and moderately fragrant. The lowest petal forms a short, fleshy, narrowly lance-shaped to triangular lip, with a spur about equal to the lip in length, inflorescence of many, spirally arranged flowers.
Stem Description: Long and slender.
Fruit Description: Ellipsoid capsules.
This flower is native to the area.