Scientific Name: Spiranthes romanzoffiana
Family Name: Orchidaceae
Bloom Period: Late summer till first frost.
Life Span: Perennial
Height: Up to 10-60 cm tall.
Habitat: Widely scattered and infrequent at low to mid elevations in dry to most forests, wetlands, and moist open gravelly areas.
Leaf Description: Several near base of the stem, linear to lance-shaped, changing abruptly along the stem to short, lance-shaped bracts that surround the stem.
Flower and Petal Description: Irregular, creamy white to straw-colored densely crowded in 1-4 rows that spiral around the stem Sepal and petals form a hood over the lip, which curves downward with almost a pointed tip. Sweet-scented.
Stem Description: Fleshy stem.
Fruit Description: Dry, many-seeds capsules.
This flower is non-native to the area.