Scientific Name: Ranunculus glaberrimus
Family Name: Ranunculaceae
Bloom Period: First flower to bloom in spring
Life Span: Perennial
Height: Up to 5-15 cm tall.
Habitat: Scattered and locally common at low elevations in arid basins. In dry ponderosa pine and Douglas fir forests, grasslands, sagebrush slopes, moist meadows and in dry, rocky ridges.
Leaf Description: Mainly basal, blades are fleshy, elliptic to lance-shaped, often with 2 shallow notches on the tip.
Flower and Petal Description: Yellow, often purplish-tinged, 2.5 cm wide.
Stem Description: Short and hairless.
Fruit Description: Semi-spherical clusters of 30-150 seeds with short hairs and straight, short, flattened beaks.
Medicinal Uses: **Poisonous to humans and wildlife** Native Americans would use on their arrowheads.
This flower is non-native to the area.