Scientific Name: Delphinium nuttallianum
Family Name: Ranunculaceae
Bloom Period: Spring
Life Span: Perennial
Height: Up to 15-40 cm tall
Habitat: Scattered and locally common at low to mid elevations in arid basins and in areas with dry climates on Fraser Plateau, in dry grasslands, sagebrush slopes and open ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir forests.
Leaf Description: Mostly basal, long-stalked, and palmately divided or lobed into linear segments; stem leaves are smaller with fewer segments.
Flower and Petal Description: Irregular; petals are whitish to bluish; sepals are blue to violet, uppermost sepal with long spur; 3-15 flowers per stalk in a loose, elongated cluster.
Stem Description: Single stem
Fruit Description: Clusters of 3 erect capsules, releasing blackish and partly winged seeds.
Medicinal Uses: *Poisonous to cattle but not to sheep* Very toxic in spring especially the seeds. Highly toxic to humans.
This flower is native to the area.